Towards the realization of a new era of medicine based on genome information | Biobanks Shaping the Future of Medicine

Towards the realization of a new era of medicine based on genome information | Biobanks Shaping the Future of Medicine

Muscle disease diagnosis service

Laboratories that can study muscle diseases are limited not only because the diseases are rare, but also because of the highly specialized knowledge and experience that are necessary to make an accurate diagnosis. In fact, commercial services are not available for most muscle diseases. For this reason, the Department of Genome Medicine Development provides diagnostic services for muscle pathology and genomic analysis in cooperation with the Department of Neuromuscular Research, National Institute of Neuroscience. We also perform genetic analysis for the registry system for neuromuscular disease patients or Remudy.

NCNP Biobank

The mission of the NCNP Biobank is to support and accelerate the biomedical research of neuropsychiatric and neuromuscular diseases, through the provision of high-quality biological materials and associated data. Since 2012, we have collected ~40,000 samples including ~7,000 cerebrospinal fluids, ~7,500 plasmas and ~9,000 DNAs from patients with neuropsychiatric disorders including Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and schizophrenia, as well as from control subjects. We have been distributed those samples to more than 240 research projects, not only by academia but also by pharmaceutical companies. In the future, those researches will provide the right diagnosis and effective therapy for people living with neuropsychiatric and neuromuscular disorders to improve their quality of life.


MGC promotes genomic medicine

The Medical Genome Center (MGC) collects and integrates "gene/genome information" and "bioresources", linking them to extensive clinical information. These value-added bioresources help accelerate the development of new methods for diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. MGC works in close collaboration with the National Center Hospital, two research institutes, and the Translational Medical Center (TMC) of NCNP.




Takeshi Iwatsubo

Department of Genome Medicine Development

The Department of Genomic Medicine Development applies genomic analysis including next-generation technologies on human samples, to develop applied research for diagnostic methods and novel therapeutic methods that integrate genetic information with pathology and biochemical findings. We also aim to collect other omics and apply them in clinical practices.

Ichizo Nishino, MD, PhD

1989 Graduated from Kyoto University Medical School. Trained in neurology in several hospitals including Wakayama Red Cross Hospital and Tokyo Metropolitan Neurological Hospital. 1994 Department of Ultrastructural Research, National Institute of Neuroscience (NIN), NCNP. 1998-2000 Post-doctoral research, Columbia University. 2000 Section Chief, Department of Ultrastructural Research, NIN, NCNP. 2001- Present Director, Department of Nueromuscular Research, NIN, NCNP. 2015-Present appointed as Director of Departments of Genome Medicine Development, MGC, NCNP.

Department of Bioresources

The Department of Bioresources is in the core of the NCNP Biobank activities, as well as our own hub for the research activities of biomarker development for neuropsychiatric disorders. We support and accelerate medical research through the provision of high quality biological materials and associated data, in collaboration with the NCNP hospital, research institutes, and pharmaceutical/diagnostics companies.

Koutaro Hattori, MD, PhD

1995 Graduated from Chiba University School of Medicine. Trained in psychiatry in several hospitals. 2001 received Ph.D. from Chiba University Graduate School of Medicine. 2001-2005 Post-doctoral fellow at Osaka University. 2005 Section Chief, Department of Ultrastructural Research, National Institute of Neuroscience (NIN), NCNP. 2009 Section Chief, Department of Mental Disorder Research, NIN. 2019-Present Director, Department of Bioresources, MGC, NCNP.
